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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Proving there is no god

If there was a proof that truly did disprove God's existence, would the theist be able to accept it, given that his presuppositions are in opposition to the non-existence of God? In other words, given that the theist has a presuppositional base that there is a God, in order for him to accept a proof for God's non-existence, he would have to change his presuppositional base. This is not easy to do, and would involve a major paradigm shift in the belief structure of the theist. Therefore, a theist is presuppositionally hostile to any proofs for God's non-existence, and is less likely to be objective about such attempted proofs.

(before you respond read this)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the CARM's argument applies to most atheists, but perhaps it would to a metaphysical naturalist?
